Project Thoth / "NGPD"

Do you sometimes feel restricted by the mouse? 

You are not alone. We feel the same here at Ckcreaf Interactive.

Technology had advanced much but our interaction with computers and machines stay pretty much in the Dark Ages. Therefore, we attempt to push our flavor of Human-Machine Interaction (HMIR) with Project Thoth.  

Project Thoth is also known as New Generation Pointing Device or NGPD for short. It is a concept based on wearables and sensors to control HMIR with our hands. The idea of controlling with our hand and gestures is not new with Leap Motion and Gest already having commercially viable products. 

Project Thoth does not seek to reinvent the wheel. We seek to be better. Our dream is to enable our hand to interact all computer screens without a need for special equipment, except for the NGPD.

We are in development phase. Progress updates and more are below the subscription section. 

Goals and Progress 

Progress on 28thMarch 2023: The project is progressing but slow progress noted. coding start and resolving a few resolution issues with navigation. Trials are being setup with internal trial set for end of March. Company video done. 

Details of 14th March update

Design / Proof of Concept



Development / Software 



Trials / Integration Testing



What else are we working on?

Project Ra


An ARG-RPG (Alternate Reality Role Playing) Game we are developing.

Project Neith

Wich OS

Creating a non bias-based OS centered on Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.

Do you know?

Thoth was the Ancient Egyptian God of writing, wisdom and magic. It is often see as a mediator and problem solver among the quarrelsome Ancient Egyptian gods. 

The project is named after Thoth as we see the NGPD as a mediator between technology and humans. The NGPD will also help to safeguard our writings and wisdom, not to mention performing some technological magic. 

On right: Drawing of Ibis-headed Thoth. Brooklyn Museum, Egyptian art in the Brooklyn Museum Panthéon égyptien by Jean-François Champollion, Drawings of Thoth.