Project Ra / "Analogous"

Project Ra is an ARG-RPG game. In other words, it is an Alternate Reality Role Playing Game.  

We have parallel lives on Analogous. More details coming soon. Stay Tuned.

What else are we working on?

Project Thoth


Creating a Next Device Pointing Device based on wearables and sensors.

Project Neith

Wich OS

Creating a non bias-based OS centered on Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.

Do you know?

Ra is one of the most known Ancient Egyptian God. Ra was the king of deities in Ancient Egypt and often depicted as the Sun. He stands for kingship, power, light and governed the day. Ra represented life, warmth, and growth.

We see Analogous as like Ra, giving life, warmth and growth to the world. As the ancient Egypt lived and prospered under the tutelage of Ra, we envision players to live and prosper in the worlds of Analogous.

On right: Ra-Horakhty. It is a combined deity of Horus and Ra, and is usually depicted as a falcon-headed man wearing a sun disk on his head. By Jeff Dahl - Own work redrawing of File:Amon-Re.JPG (Budge 1904), based on New Kingdom tomb paintings. CC BY-SA 4.0